Europa der Regionen im Sport
Das Netzwerk Europa der Regionen im Sport umfasst aktuell sechs Organisationen, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben, Jugendliche in Europa über den Sport miteinander in den Austausch zu bringen. Diese für die Sportjugend Hessen wichtigen Partnerorganisationen stellen sich im Folgenden selbst vor. Zum Teil sind die Texte deswegen auf Englisch geschrieben.
Jährlicher Fachkräfteaustausch
Das Netzwerk trifft sich jährlich zu einem Fachkräfteaustausch sowie zu verschiedenen Camps in Europa. In der Vergangenheit war die Sportjugend Hessen stark im deutsch-russischen Jugendaustausch aktiv. Seit Beginn des Angriffkrieges Russlands auf die Ukraine sind die Partnerschaften mit russischen Organisationen eingestellt. Alle dadurch freigewordenen Partizipationsmöglichkeiten an unseren internationalen Begegnungen wurden im Jahr 2022 mit geflüchteten Jugendlichen aus der Ukraine aufgefüllt.
Wir möchten nicht nur junge Menschen für die Teilnahme an den Jugendcamps in den Sommerferien begeistern, sondern auch den Jugendausschüssen in den Kreisen und Verbänden die Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, eigene Austauschprogramme zu starten. Das Team der Sportjugend Hessen hat dafür hier eine Vielzahl von Informationen zusammengestellt und berät Sie gerne.
Vorstellung der Vertreter*innen des Netzwerks
Ab Minute 35 des folgenden Videos stellen sich einige Vertreter*innen des Netzwerks im Rahmen der Quaralympics 2022 kurz vor:
Die sechs Partnerorganisationen
Fridek Mistek, Tschechien - Babylonie e.V.
Babylonie is a youth organisation, which was established in 2011. It was established to fulfil the aim of organising youth exchanges in the Czech Republic, as well as the aim of helping young people in the region to take part in project abroad.
Their long term target is to support young people to learn languages, support of intercultural learning and education and also to help decreasing the level of racism and xenophobia among young people. They also encourage cultural diversity, which helps to increase tolerance and opens minds of young people..
Babylonie has been organizing multicultural youth exchanges for ten years. Each activity on the eurocamp is done in multicultural groups. The participants learn to respect other cultures and understand more about international solidarity. Babylonie has been a stabile partner organization for youth exchanges within the network of youth organization from whole Europe.
The staff involved in this application is very experienced mainly in the field of youth work and non-formal learning. The staff members have a lot of experience in organizing youth exchanges and preparing project for youth by the European Union.
Staff members are experienced also in the field of organizing range of activities for young people. They know how to organize workshops to promote non-formal learning, how to organize non-traditional outdoor activities, cultural evenings, teambuilding activities as well as ice-breaking games and energizers.
Key staff also took part in youth exchanges abroad as participants as well as leaders, so they are having a lot of experience at this workingfield. They are also able work well in team and they are always prepared to solve critical situations. They have also competencies in intercultural learning and working with a large group of international youngsters. Our organisation is well experienced in the organisation of EU projects with various topics. Our project “Through your eyes” was focusing on the topic of fake news and social networks. That’s why we can add to project our experiences with the influence of social media to the opinion formation of young people. Our experience could be beneficial for the project results.
Rom, Italien - AICS Italy
At national and International level AICS International Office organises and stages projects and activities into the following sectors:
- Youth and leadership in sport organisations: decision making, policies and participatory approaches
- International exchange of young people in the field of sport, culture and voluntary
- Food and sustainability: participatory approaches for active participation of youngsters in choices addressed to health promotion
- Entrepreneurship Trainings to promote/support Dual Carrier for young athletes
- LGBT and rights of access to sport practices
- Social inclusion policies addressed to Third Countries Nationals (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers)
AiCS is partner of YOUAca and YOULEAD European projects that aim at promoting a new platform of young leaders. Through the intergenerational dialogue and the learning by doing methods a set of skills and knoeldge in the field of grassroots psort management is developed. The target group is composed of young people from 18 to 30 years old and the senior leaders of their organisations. This strategy enable the organsations to become open platform in which it’s possible to trai the new generation of leaders.
AiCS organises several sport camps all over Italy named as AiCSLandia addressed to different range of ages in which the promotion of the values of respect, well being and sustainability are promoted through several sport and culture activities.
All the camps are carried out in partnership with schools, public institutions and municipalities according to the COVID-19 prevention measures.
At national level AICS organises and stages every year these 3 main great National multisport events:
• VERDEAZZURRO is a 6 days multisport event with approx. 3.000 participants, which takes place every September. All athletes and their families from all over Italy meet for competing in various sports disciplines. The AICS National Competitions which takes place in Verdeazzurro are: National Championship of Skating, National Championship of Football for youngsters, National Championship of Athletics, National Championship of Male Mini Football, National Championship of Tennis - Open Male and Female, National Championship of Volleyball under 16 years old, National Championship of Basketball under 17 and National Tournament of Basketball for seniors, National Championship of Petanque, “Euro Four on Four” of Flag Football.
• SPORTINFIORE is a 3 days multisport event with approx. 2.500 participants, which takes place every April. Here athletes and family meet for National and International Competitions such as: National Championship of Swimming, International Tournament of waterbasket, National Championship of Female Mini Football, national Championship of Tennis for Junior- Seniors – Over 40, National Championship of Table Tennis – Individuals and Teams.
• CORRITALIA is a one-day running festival involving 50 cities all over Italy and approx. 22.000 participants. It takes place every March within the framework of the “AICS week of sport for all” initiatives. The running festival provides demonstrative sports around the streets of the involved Italian cities in order to promote sport for all practices.
During the 3 yearly National festivals also workshops, panels and conferences are promoted, involving Universities, International and National experts and specialists, National and local Institutions and Partners.
Beyond the Italian borders AICS is active in other Countries (Kenya, Morocco, Chile, Colombia, Russia), providing the expertise and training courses for the International managers and staff members. Nowadays Aics is working to spread its vision, expertise and to launch new programs in Capo Verde, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Tunisia and Central America.
Marseille, Frankreich - Eurocircle
Founded in 1993 in Berlin, EUROCIRCLE is since 2006 a European NGO that develops and carries out transnational projects, particularly in the area of the international mobility of young people. These projects are
designed to foster the emergence of a European citizenship, intercultural, based on the values of tolerance, equality, peace, ecology and solidarity. EUROCIRCLE, based in Marseille, is a French European NGO developing, participating and informing about European projects mainly in the field of youth. We act (or have acted) as partner in European intercultural exchange and training course programmes as well as the EVS in which we are sending, coordinating and hosting oraganization (former Youth in Action programmes), in former Life Long Learning programmes such as Grundtvig or Leonardo and in many other projects like Life, Prince, Equal, Daphné, Progress etc. We participate in innovative and/or experimental programmes (Social European Fund, Fund for Experimental Youth Projects) to foster socio-professional integration of youth with fewer possibility through enhanced support before, during and after their experience abroad. In addition, we organize transnational projects like the Franco-German ecological voluntary service, cooperation between twin towns together with the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) or hosting international interns. On the migratory field, Eurocircle is partner of the OFAJ as sending and coordinating organization for an international volunteer project named ‘Young Ambassador of Solidarity’. This project envisages the sending of French volunteers to support German actors working with migrants and refugees. Among these actors there are: ‘Das Progressiv Zentrum’ Think Tank, street educators for unaccompanied migrant minors, the German Red Cross, Municipalities, schools and kindergartens, urban gardens. We also participated in several projects (EVS and Youth Exchanges) on the topic of Sport. One of our projects, “Pass’Sport” aims to give young people the chance to be involved in voluntary projects promoting sport. Indeed, sport is an excellent tool of inclusion, and it is a vector of values such as solidarity, respect, surpassing oneself. In addition, Euro 2016 took place in several French cities, including Marseille, which is also the European capital of sport in 2017. Consequently, we wanted to give the opportunity to participate in these two events. Thus, EUROCIRCLE is working at promoting voluntary work in the field of sport, at practicing sport, its values and health benefits, at developing ethical, responsible and tolerant sport practices and equal access to sport. 20 employees and about 10 volunteers and interns are part of the team of Eurocircle. The
Short term mobility team is composed of 1 employees and 1 volunteer who help to promote the programme. The team participates regularly in trainings for participants in order to better support them during all their project. All involved Eurocircle instructors and coordinators have longtime experience in the field of youth work and youth mobility and possess the necessary know-how, competences and language skills. The group leaders are formed and instructed by our staff.
Armavir, Armenien - Armavir Development Center
Armavir Development Center was established in 2005.The mission of ADC is Collaboration for socio-economic progress, which aims to promote collaboration of public, private and business sectors of Armavir region. The NGO has the following strategic directions: Improvement and consolidation of democratic system, Support of civil society, Sustain social and economic development. The geographic reach of ADC’s operations has started from Armavir region but has gone far beyond the regional geography. ADC is a member of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, Open Government Partnership Armenian platform, CSO board attached to the Ministries of Justice and Social Affairs of the Government of Armenia.
ADC runs the Armavir InfoTun program, which helps young people to create alternative media resources through blogging, training, community mobilization and online news dissemination. We conduct Civil Society Center in Armavir project to promote youth participation and reinforcement of civil society on different issues of social importance. Youth-led community development projects are facilitated by "Youth Bank" program. ADC mobilizes volunteer citizen monitors to monitor the construction of 20 schools across Armenia to ensure that schools construction efforts meet contractual requirements, satisfy community needs and are built to increase the level of seismic safety. ADC implements Community-based Services for Children with Disabilities project to improve the quality service provision for children with disabilities. The target group of another project includes disabled people participating in TVET trainings. The objective of the project is fostering employment and inclusion of the target group of young people with disabilities by supporting them to obtain TVET and effective social services. To boost competitiveness of regional SMEs and create sustainable employment opportunities, ADC is involved in a joint initiative Boosting competitiveness of regional SMEs, as a precondition for regional economic development. ADC has been providing technical vocational education training for young people with disabilities in Armavir supporting job placements of people with disabilities through different projects since 2012.
ADC has 14 years of work experience in civil society field managing a wide range of development initiatives. ADC has led various international consortiums and hosteADC can transfer the experience of all these projects based on the topic, the staff, as well as on issues related to project management.
Mora, Portugal - ADCM
Associação de Divulgação Cultural de Mora is a local youth organization which was established in the town of Mora in 1986. The members are mainly volunteers who have been developing activities for young people in the region: mountain biking, canoeing, photography workshops, national and international work camps, national and international exchanges, art shows and many environmental education events. The organsation has extensive experience in organizing such projects. Since the early 1990s we have established a partnership with Sportjugend, having since then organized bilateral exchanges with the reception of German groups and sending groups to participate in exchanges in Germany. Subsequently, we also organized multilateral exchanges with Czech, Italian, English and Spanish partners, receiving groups from these countries and sending groups to participate in exchanges in these countries. All our partners host and send groups of participants, having extensive experience in organizing such events.
ADCM is part of an international network of youth associations promoting international exchanges as mentioned above, participating in annual project preparation and evaluation meetings. Some key people from our Association have already participated in BiTriMulti courses promoted by the European National Agencies and SALTO-Youth. Everyone involved in the organizations international approach and later in the development of the activity began their careers in this area as participants in such exchanges, initially as participants and later as leaders. Only after having had the experience of leading groups, they join the organizing team so that we could guarantee experience in developing these activities. We also add that everyone involved in the organization of this exchange has done other exchanges before, ensuring the organizational capacity and proper management of the activity.
Estella-Lizarra, Spanien, Casa Juventud
Das Casa Juventud der Gemeinde Estella-Lizarra ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren im Arbeitsbereich Jugendpolitik in der Gemeinde tätig.
Zu den Zielen dieses Bereichs gehören die Förderung der Beteiligung junger Menschen am gesellschaftlichen und gemeinschaftlichen Leben der Stadt, die Förderung einer gesunden und kreativen Freizeit, die Emanzipation der Jugendlichen und die Förderung des Zusammenhangs und der Achtung der Vielfalt.
Die von den Mitarbeitern entwickelten, in den lokalen Jugendplan integrierten und jedes Jahr erweiterten Arbeitsbereiche sind:
1. Emanzipation
2. Information, Teilnahme, Freizeit und Freizeit
3. gesunde Lebensgewohnheiten
4. Kultur
5. Beschäftigung und Ausbildung
6. Solidarität und Klimawandel
Für die Entwicklung dieser Programme gibt es ein Team von drei Nachwuchskräften. Darüber hinaus arbeiten das Casa Juventud in Abstimmung mit anderen kommunalen Bereichen an der Entwicklung spezifischer Programme. Was die Ausstattung betrifft, ist sowohl ein gut ausgestattetes Jugendhaus als auch eine Jugendherberge vorhanden.
Die Einrichtung weist Erfahrung in der Organisation von Ausflügen mit jungen Menschen in die nahegelegenen Naturräume. Die Planung und Durchführung von Aktivitäten im Rahmen des nicht wettbewerbsfähigen Sports und des Sports in der Natur. Die Planung und Durchführung von Freizeit- und Freizeitaktivitäten im Casa Juventud: Raumfahrtprogramm Jugend Förderung von Selbstverwaltungs- und Jugendinitiativen durch den Aufruf zur Unterstützung bei der Förderung von Jugendaktivitäten und Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung verschiedener Programme.
Die Förderung der Teilnahme junger Menschen an der sozialen Dynamik der Stadt: Jugendwoche, Sporttag, lokale Festivals.
Beteiligung junger Menschen an der lokalen Jugendpolitik: Beteiligung an den kommunalen Jugendkommissionen Förderung junger Kunst: Kurzfilmwettbewerb, Förderung von Musikgruppen, Ausstellungen, Konzerte. Die Organisation von Ausbildungsprogammen für junge Menschen im Bereich Animation und Freizeit. Soziale Partizipation von jungen Menschen an europäischen Programmen.
Die Mitarbeiter des Jugendbereichs der Gemeinde Estella-Lizarra verfügen über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Ausbildung in der Arbeit und Dynamisierung von Jugendgruppen.
Seit ihrer Gründung haben sie direkt und indirekt an zahlreichen Jugendaustausch- und Mobilitätsprojekten des Erasmus+-Programms beteiligt. Neben der Teilnahme an Austausch- und EVS-Projekten des Programms Jugend in Aktion.
Seit 2014 beteiligt sie sich als Partner an Projekten wie dem Austausch Urdos (Frankreich) "Partenariat transfrontalier basque Saint Jean Pied de Port-Estella" im Jahr 2014 und koordinierte drei Austauschprojekte zur Begrüßung: "Crossing way" im Jahr 2014, "Crossing way +" im Jahr 2015, "North & South. Der Blick auf die europäische Jugend" im Jahr 2016, "Junge Menschen bauen Brücken" im Jahr 2017, "Junge Menschen füllen Rucksäcke mit Erfahrungen" im Jahr 2018 und Planeta Joven im Jahr 2019. Andererseits organisieren sie jährlich im Rahmen unserer Aktivitäten kommunale Camps in und um die Region und den Jugendaustausch mit der Sportjugend Hessen in Deutschland. Ebenso haben unsere Mitarbeiter seit Beginn des Programms Erasmus+ im Jahr 2014 an verschiedenen Schulungsmaßnahmen teilgenommen, die ihnen genügend Kapazitäten geben, um auf die Verwaltungs-, Verbreitungs-, Bewertungs- und Koordinierungsanforderungen internationaler Projekte zu reagieren.
Als Gastorganisation haben wir volles Vertrauen in ihre organisatorische Kapazität und in ihre Verantwortung.